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How Smokers Cause Air Pollution 

Did you know that smoking three cigars is worse than a car's exhaust? According to studies, smokers produce harmful air particles that put everyone at risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, and more. If you're looking for a great indoor air quality solution, the first thing you should probably do is eliminate smoking in your home and purchase a bipolar ionization technology.

Indoor Air Quality Solution

All You Need to Know About Smoking and Air Pollution

What Does Smoke Consist Of?

Smoke is mainly composed of air particles, but it also contains hazardous gaseous air pollutants such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide. Smoking has the potential to harm one's health and worsen pre-existing problems. The good news is that short-term smoking exposure will not harm most healthy youngsters or adults.

On the other hand, some vulnerable populations may develop serious acute and chronic issues, and even healthy people can develop symptoms. Wildfires, excessive smoking, and car's exhaust can produce exceptionally high particulate concentrations over a long period of time. Once left unaddressed, it will accumulate and cause numerous health and environmental concerns.

What Are Air Particle Pollutants?

Most smoke is made up of a mixture of solid particles and very minute liquid droplets that are emitted into the atmosphere and can last up to weeks or months. When we talk about particle pollution, we're talking about the inhalable "Particulate Matter." It is composed of small and fine particles with a diameter of fewer than 10 microns, as well as coarse particles with less than 2.5 microns diameter.

Fine particles in smoke are particularly dangerous because they can deposit deep in the lungs and cause significant health problems such as bronchitis, lung damage, throat and nose irritation, and worsened asthma. Some particles may enter your bloodstream and cause heart problems. Smoke and visible dust, as well as particles larger than 10 microns, can irritate your throat, nose, and eyes, but pose little risk to your heart and lungs.

How About Electronic Cigarettes?

Cigarette smoke, according to experts, is one of the most prevalent indoor air contaminants. A pulmonologist Sumita Khatri, MD at Cleaveland Clinic said that, "We all know about second-hand smoke, which is also termed as third-hand smoke. The particles from cigarette smoke such as residual gas deposits pose health dangers, especially in areas with a lot of carpets and fabric."

Your kids are more likely to be playing on the living room carpet, and those with lung diseases and chronic heart are disproportionately at high risk. Experts say that electronic cigarettes are a similar source of pollution to consider. When someone smokes an e-cigarette, vapors that contain volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, and other substances that have been related to heart and lungs diseases are released.

Hence, the ideal indoor air quality solution is to be smoke-free. It'll eliminate the risks mentioned above and will definitely make your home more livable for everyone who stays there, including your kids.

Indoor Air Quality Solution

What Are the Common Health Risks?

We are exposed to a variety of health problems when we inhale smoke from cigarettes. The following are the dangers of smoking which most smokers already know but still neglect.

  • Pregnancy Complications - Pregnant women who smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to have difficulties during childbirth. They may also be affected by a variety of congenital diseases.

  • Stroke and Heart Attack - Smoking constricts blood vessels and limits blood flow to the brain, heart, and other essential organs. It also increases the chances of blood clots in the lungs and legs.

  • Lung Disease - Aside from lung cancer, smoking can also contribute to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

  • Type 2 Diabetes - According to the latest clinical study, there is a link between smoking and type 2 diabetes. Smokers are 30 to 40 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than nonsmokers.

  • Autoimmune Disorder - Smoking weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to diseases and infections. As a result, smokers are more vulnerable to respiratory illnesses. It also causes Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, among other autoimmune illnesses.

How Does Smoking Contribute to Air Pollution?

Smoking produces methane, carbon dioxide, and other toxic compounds - all of which contribute to air pollution. Although carbon dioxide and methane are not the ones responsible for developing health risks and killing smokers, they do contribute to pollution in the atmosphere.

Each year, smoking releases roughly 5.2 billion kilos of methane and 2.6 billion kilograms of CO2 into the environment. This only shows how smoking adds to climate change on its own. As previously mentioned, second-hand smoking exposes other people and animals to indirect health concerns such as pregnancy complications, lung disease, and cancer.

Does Smoking Contribute to Soil Pollution?

Since most ingredients found in cigarette butts are non-biodegradable, it will take years before these can fully break down. The enormous levels of fertilizers, insecticides, and other chemicals used in tobacco farming pollute the soil and land in large quantities. These pollutants build up over time, reducing soil fertility and making the area unfit for growing any other crops.

Can Bipolar Ionization Technology Neutralize the Effects of Smoking?

Bipolar ionization technology uses low level electron voltage that turns water vapor into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. It has the ability to neutralize smoke in the air from cigarettes. Since this technology can create a bio-climate that is abundant in the perfect balance of negative and positive oxygen ions, it is able to entirely remove the harmful particles in the air.

The health benefits of using bipolar ionization technology in your home include:

  • Getting rid of odors and bad smells

  • Removing contaminants from vape, cigarette, and e-cigarette smoke

  • Reduce irritants and allergens

However, you still have to clean your curtains, sheets, clothes, and carpets if you want to completely remove the harmful particles from cigarettes.

Bipolar Ionization Technology is the Perfect Indoor Air Quality Solution

Aside from removing odors and harmful particles from cigarettes, this superb technology can protect you from bacteria and deactivate viruses. Contact our friendly customer service at Eagle X Pro and neutralize lifelong problems from cigarette smoke!


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